Tour De France Blog

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Stage 4 TTT Armstrong in yellow, Unlucky Zabriskie

The team time trial, one of the most exciting stages of the tour before the mountains, was full of drama.
On a day where Lance took back the yellow jersey thanks to a great performance by Discovery team, Zabriskie was robbed by cruel twist of fatih (skipped chain) leading to a nasty fall meters away from safety .
CSC team fought really hard to keep the yellow jersey in Zabriskie's shoulders but, arguably slowed by his fall, arrived only 2 seconds after team Discovery. Third place finish went to T-Mobile with a strong performance (but not strong enough, they were my pick to win and I was proven wrong).4th place went to a surprisingly good Liberty Seguros team lead by Roberto Heras and with teammates like Jacksche, Beloki and Gonzalez de Galdeano, we'll hear from them again before the end of the tour.
So as it stands now, Lance Armstrong leads his team-mate Hincapie by 55 seconds and will probably keep the yellow jersey for a long time.
Looking ahead to tomorrow's stage, it's a sprinter stage and victory will probably be disputed by Boonen, Mc'Ewen and O'Grady or my pick.
My pick Thor Hushovd.



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