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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Stage10: Valverde the win, Lance with authority

The current and the future TDF phenomena finished today ahead of everybody.
Valverde (his first TDF) outsprinted Lance (crushed other contenders) for the Stage win. Lance stamped his authority on the tour as he gained back the yellow jersey and he's unlikely to let it go.
It all started when Team Discovery rode with an infernal pace blowing away the peloton. One by one the main contenders of the tour faded away. First Beloki, Mayo then Vino(the biggest loser today finished 5' from Lance) then Lance team mates, then Ullrich and Kloden(who stayed with his team leader, they finished 2 minutes back) then Basso ( Surprisingly), then they were 4 Lance (awesome as always), Valverde, Rasmussen(the king of the mountains, surprisingly 2nd in the tour)and Mancebo (great ride). Valverde eventually outsprinted Lance for the Stage win.
Today's Biggest winners were
1) Valverde (excellent first tdf so far, the future TDF phenomena by Lance own words)
2) Lance Armstrong (crushing opposition)
3) Iles Balears team ( Surprisingly very good)

Biggest losers
1) Vino (Many ppl had him as favorite, he'll contend with helping Ullrich now)
2) Ullrich and Kloden ( lost 2 minutes on Lance)
3) Basso ( thought by many as a possible winner, lost 1 minute today)
4) Mayo and Beloki ( didn't expect anything anyways)

Tomorrow's Stage should be equally exciting. Can't wait



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