Tour De France Blog

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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Vinokourov 3rd, Ullrich 12th...Is Vino the T-Mobile team leader?

It was not all bad for T-Mobile in today's Tour de France first stage, the Kazakh Vinokourov provided a ray of sunshine and finished third and with David Zabriskie expected to fade away, he's the closest chaser of Lance. So is Ullrich going to work for Vino now? Is Vino the T-Mobile leader?... In my opinion, not yet.
Ullrich is only 13 seconds behind Vino and in the mountain stages Ullrich may be stronger. But if Ullrich form continues to be not at par with the best, It is a possible scenario that T-Mobile fans should start cheering for Vino.



At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ullrich will stil be the man!!!

At 8:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It really depends what happens in the race , it's too early too call

At 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about Ullrich


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